Breton Cassette is proud to announce release # 025
Voicing a choreography of Echo by Clara Mosconi
During a residency in Athens (GR) in the Spring 2020, I went searching for Echo(es) among the architecture and archeological sites in Athens.
The journey intertwines with myths and tragedies written by Ovid, Euripides and Aristophanes,
and with stories about women in Ancient Greece. The piece is a documentary listening experience
in search of Echo’s voice, as well as a tribute tosilenced women in the history of Greece.
Clara Mosconi (b. 1995, DK) is a visual artist living and working between Copenhagen, Bergen and Athens.
Embedded in research, her work often shapes as conceptual, spatial sound installations where sound, text, sculptural elements and performance act as agents. Along the installations she writes and creates publications and art books that allow the research to be present in more than one depiction – both as individual pieces and in support of the installations.
Produced and mixed by Clara Mosconi
Mastered by Adam Badí Donoval
Photos Erik Mowinckel